Upload 4 most recent months of business banking statements.
If Owner/Principal 1 does not own 51%+ of the business, Owner/Principal 2 needs to complete section below. (If this does not apply skip Owner/Principal 2 section.)
I/We affirm my/our identity as the representative individual(s) identified in the above application, and I/We declare that the individual(s), who is either a principal of the application or a personal guarantor of its obligations, provides instruction and authority to iLENDr.com its Representatives, Designee as well as and in addition to any assignee thereof that may be involved with or acquire commercial funding having daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly repayment features or purchase of future receivables including Merchant Cash Advance transactions authorizing obtaining and review of his/her personal credit profile from a national credit bureau. Such authorization shall extend to obtaining a credit profile in considering this application and subsequently for the purpose of update, renewal, or extension of such credit and for reviewing or collecting the resulting account. An electronic record of this authorization is in effect until canceled in writing. By electronically signing above, or photostatic copy or facsimile copy of this authorization shall be valid as the original. I/We agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use of www.iLENDr.com.